Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule - and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements.…

The Scrum PMO

The challenge is this: How do you make Agile Scrum work in a traditional corporate environment? The problem is simple to state, but the solutions are frustratingly complex. I am a strong believer in Agile Scrum. I like the theory, and I have plenty of experience…

Optimaliseer de workflow met Kanban & Scrum

Het proces van het werken aan een project bepaalt grotendeels of het project succesvol kan worden afgerond. Door een goede procesmanagementstrategie toe te passen, kun je het effectief werken in projecten vergroten. Kanban en Scrum zijn twee procesmanagementmethoden die zich richten op het aanscherpen van processen…

Physics of Being Agile

Recently, with all those vibes about SCRUM going around in our organization, a couple of colleagues went for “Certified SCRUM Master” training, incidentally same person trained myself and one other colleague 6 months ago. I got a chance to talk to him over phone and was…