A DotNet Interop Soap Web Request

I am currently working on a solution that requires a Dynamics NAV client to communicate with Dynamics NAV web service. This I have done before with the classic client and have used automation objects for the job. Now I wanted to do this with dotnet only…

.NET Interop in NAV2009 R2

In this forum message, I wondered why I couldn’t instantiate a System.Xml.Linq.XElement object. The constructor expected an System.Xml.Linq.XName as its parameter, but it seemed XName did not have an appropriate constructor for me to call. Bron : Zen & the Art of C/SIDE Development Lees meer...

Using .NET Framework Interfaces

With .NET Framework interoperability in C/AL, you can define variables for .NET Framework interface types. This is useful when you have a class that explicitly implements an interface. In the .NET Framework, when an interface is explicitly implemented, you cannot call methods that belong to the…

Using .NET Framework Generics

In the .NET Framework, you can use generics to customize a method, class, structure, or interface according to the data type that it acts upon. Instead of writing a method, class, structure, or interface for a particular type, you can write it to use any type.…