Exporting and Importing Translation Files

Translating C/SIDE applications is not something I do regularly, which is probably why, every time I do, I always forget certain important rules for dealing with translation files. “Be extremely careful with hard-coded strings” is probably the most important one. Let’s see why that is using…

Excel Import Export Wizard – NAV 2013

There are a lot of beautiful and useful Excel Import and Export tools for Navision from 2.7 to 2009 R2 such as Universal Excel Importer v1.2, SMART Excel Import Export, Universal Excel/Notepad Importer & Exporter. However, there are limited Navision 20013 tools that support only for…

SMART Excel Import Export

SMART Excel Import Export is the tool for importing / exporting data from any NAV table via MS Excel. It can be used in different way: as universal dataport, as possibility to store data outside the NAV, as tool for data migration, etc. Bron : We…