Send Email – Dynamic Content

One of my Customer requested me to have a feature wherein they can have the liberty to modify content of the email, add remove columns and do stuff like this. They wish to have long text as a free text along with certain database table information…

Dynamic Formatting of Switch Measures

Using a switch measure to toggle results is a mature and common technique used in Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel. For example, a switch measure can be used to toggle what appears on a chart so that the end user can easily switch the…

Power BI, SSAS Multidimensional And Dynamic Format Strings

If you’re building reports in Power BI against SSAS Multidimensional cubes then you may have encountered situations where the formatting on your measures disappears. For example, take a very simple SSAS Multidimensional cube with a single measure called Sales Amount whose FormatString property is set in…

Dynamic Chart Titles In Power BI

As you probably know, charts (and lots of other visualisations) in Power BI have titles that can be set to any piece of static text. You can do this by selecting the chart, going to the Format tab in the Visualizations pane, then changing the properties…