Business Central W1 Docker image with data

I’m using Docker quite regularly (well, if you find “pulling an image twice a day” is regular) .. and I have been using mostly these two repositories according my needs (for more info, look here): “” for the very latest version (the future release) “microsoft/bcsandbox” for…

Working with Pivoted Data in Power BI

Oftentimes we have data in a format that is not suitable for creating visualizations in Power BI, for example, pivoted data. However, we still want to work with that data. Let us explore this in more detail. Suppose we have a table of data representing units…

GDPR, NAV Data Encryption

Encryption: it may be useful to have useful functions encrypt data (for sensitive data, password, biometric data etc. ad example). I show this simple solution to Encrypt data in NAV using standard NAV features. Bron : Roberto Stefanetti NAV Blog Lees meer...