AL Web Service Examples

A few weeks ago, I posted about AL support for REST Web Services. And at the end I promised to convert the previous posted web service examples to AL code. The first three are now available on GitHub. Feel free to clone, fork and play with…

Convert Base64 with AL code

A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to write web service examples in AL code for VS Code. Unfortunately, at that time, it was not possible to call the Base64 methods on the TempBLOB table. And because those functions on the TempBLOB table are using…

Invoking Azure Functions from AL

One elegant way of replacing your .NET interoperability code with something else is by using Azure Functions. Sounds good in theory, but what does it take in practice? And what are Azure Functions, anyway? Let me not take too much latitude, and let me just say…

AL with VSCode: Symbol Rename

When you’re a NAV developer, you’re not really spoiled with developer tools. So these are exciting times .. and I think I can speak for many developers when claiming I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming developer tools. Basically because it brings us VSCode ..…