5 Biggest Challenges as a PM

Our project management expert offers her insight into the 5 biggest challenges a project manager will face. Watch to see if you agree or disagree with her insight. Bron : Projectmanager.com Lees meer...

Spectrum Of Contracts

This video covers the spectrum of contracts. Learn about the five different types of project contracts as they range in level of risk for the buyer. Bron : Projectmanager.com Lees meer...

Giving Feedback Straight

It’s your responsibility as a project manager, to let your project team know how they’re going on the project. Here our project management expert offers advice on why giving feedback straight to your team will improve project success. Bron : Projectmanager.com Lees meer...

5 Risks To Your Project Schedule

Project managers rely on their schedules. The project schedule is the one document that tells everyone what they should be doing, when it needs to start and how long it should take. It is also used to track progress, so managing a project without a schedule…

Projectmanagers en Sinterklaas bestaan niet

We weten dat zolang er projecten zijn, projecten soms ook falen. Dat is nu eenmaal inherent aan ieder eenmalig en onzeker avontuur. Je probeert dus de risico’s te beheersen. Maar nu, na meer dan 25 jaar van allerlei ideeën en inspanningen, is er nog steeds geen…