Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule - and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements.…

De klant had last van voortschrijdend inzicht

Een belangrijke oorzaak van het verschuiven van projectdeadlines, het overschrijden van budgetten of het niet behalen van het projectdoel, is ‘voortschrijdend inzicht’. Elk project heeft er mee te maken; gedurende het project ontstaan nieuwe en andere inzichten ofwel is er sprake van ‘voortschrijdend inzicht’. Daardoor is…

Projectmanager 2.0 in de praktijk – gratis E-book

De wereld is veranderd en dus zijn projecten veranderd. Maar veel projectmanagers realiseren zich nog niet, dat dit ook voor hun projecten geldt. Zij klampen zich vast aan oude methoden uit de goede oude tijd. Zo niet Projectmanager 2.0. Hij is zich van die veranderingen bewust.…

How To Use A Project Management Dashboard

What’s on the horizon? That’s what every project manager wants to know. We can sometimes get so caught up in managing the project day-to-day that it’s hard to see the bigger picture. Sorting out Beth’s latest development problem or reviewing Bruce’s project requirements seems more urgent…

Protect Your Project Against Scope Creep

Recently I was peer reviewing another project manager’s project and I noticed that the requirements document hadn’t been signed off. “When are you expecting to get the requirements approved?” I asked her. “Oh, we’re just updating them as we go along,” she replied. “The customer doesn’t…

10 Phrases To Avoid In Project Communications

“Let’s touch base to talk about synergies before these items get placed on the backburner,” someone said to me on the phone the other day. It was (can you guess?) a salesperson, and I was surprised at how much of what he said sounded like corporation-speak.…