How Lean is Your ERP Implementation?

When we work with smaller to mid-size organizations – especially clients in the manufacturing and distribution space – we find a lower tolerance for overly complicated ERP software selection or implementation processes. Indeed, executives at these no-nonsense, meat-and-potato types of organizations built and grew their companies…

Who Needs Help Managing an ERP Implementation?

Managing an ERP implementation is tricky business. Most organizations who set out on this journey aren’t experienced at managing a transformation of this magnitude and complexity and aren’t even sure where to begin. The first step is to recognize this fact and to understand that establishing…

The Low-Hanging Fruit of ERP Benefits Realization

In addition to budget, time and scope overruns, lack of realized business benefits can be one of the most frustrating parts of an ERP implementation. In fact, our independent research of hundreds of ERP implementations worldwide (as outlined in our 2013 ERP Report) reveals that a…

ERP-aanbod wordt bepaald door schaalgrootte

Denkt u dat uw huidige ERP-pakket over vijf jaar nog doorontwikkeld wordt en support biedt? Of is deze software inmiddels ten onder gegaan in de wereld van faillissementen, fusies en overnames? En bent u ervan bewust u welke voor gevolgen dat heeft voor de informatievoorziening binnen…

What’s an SAP Business ByDesign Customer to do?

Last month, SAP announced it would be cutting back on the development of its Business ByDesign cloud platform. Stuck with a solution that is no longer supported, many Business ByDesign customers are finding themselves in the ERP software selection stage yet again – or to be…