Get it wrong the first time! The case for ERP iterations.

We have all heard the phrase “Get right the first time” used as part of an effort to reduce costs and accelerate implementations. Unfortunately, many have interpreted this to mean doing an activity once. We attempt to run ERP implementations as a production process. Bron :…

Progressive Leadership for ERP

Many implementation partners (including myself) have handled enablement as an event or milestone that occured as part of the cut-over to production. We as implementation partners too often assume that the traditional, informal “do what I do” approach between consultants and customer was sufficient for customer…

ERP is Only Part of a Business Solution

Back in the 80s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was deemed the panacea for business pains caused by operational inefficiencies and disjointed applications. Then came the realization that ERP was not the final solution but just one piece of the puzzle. Bron : ERP the Right Way!…

IPL ERP Watch no. 22

Halfjaarlijks rapportage van de allernieuwste zaken op ERP gebied naar aanleiding van ons jaarlijkse evaluatieonderzoek naar ERP systemen. Bron : IPL Advies Lees meer...

3 ERP-fouten (en hoe je ze kunt voorkomen)

Het implementeren van een ERP-systeem is één van de duurste, ingewikkeldste en meest tijdrovende taken die een IT-afdeling op zich kan nemen. Je kunt op elk moment met vertragingen en onverwachte kosten te maken krijgen. Zustersite heeft IT-belissers, ERP-leveranciers en technologie-adviseurs gevraagd hoe je fouten…