For a recent project, I needed to export the object properties of a number of objects to an XML file. As you know, in the Object table, there are separate columns for Date and Time. Initially, I exported each column as an individual XML attribute, using…
This is the third (and last) post in a series about using XMLPorts in Web Services. The first post showed XMLPorts can be used in Web Services without any line of C/AL code. The second post explained why C/AL code is not needed to export data…
If you haven’t already read part 1 you should do so here,before continuing to read this post. You have seen how to use an XMLPort in a Web Service without any line of code. That was amazing,wasn’t it? Now,how was this possible? Bron : Microsoft Dynamics…
Microsoft announced the release of Jet Reports Express for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, which gives our customers the opportunity to use a really smart business reporting tool called Jet Reports Express for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Bron : Mohana’s Dynamics Blog Lees meer...
About two weeks ago I posted an explanation why Pages are not always sufficient for use with web services. Using XMLPorts in web services offer powerful possibilities that are not available with Pages. Bron : Microsoft Dynamics NAV Thoughts Lees meer...