When you are in your Role Center, you can use navigation buttons, forward and back, to help you navigate between pages. Bron : Microsoft Dynamics NAV Team Blog Lees meer...
I would like to share a quick and easy (well, maybe not the best way of doing things, but it gets results quite quickly) on how to check the size of the company in Dynamics NAV. Bron : Navisionary Lees meer...
Some of you might have run into scenarios that a report that runs for some (acceptable) time on classic client takes far longer time on RTC or simply even errors out with OutOfMemory kind of exception. Bron : Microsoft Dynamics NAV Team Blog Lees meer...
Well did you ever get a request for displaying Charts in Classic Dynamics Nav Report. You do a search and get a whole lot of complex solutions, such as, creating a .NET assembly, using a third part com class etc. Bron : Extreme engineers Lees meer...