Finn’s FobViewer

FobView can view FOB, FBK, TXT and XML object files from Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision). It lists the objects contained in these files and by loading two files it is possible to compare the objects in these files. It's posible to save the list to a…

Constants in C/AL

Let’s start this post with a little example: In the MSXML library, the XMLDocument class has a method called CreateNode, which accepts an integer representing the desired node type as its first parameter. Bron : Zen & the Art of C/SIDE Development Lees meer...

JMail SMTP Mail

JMail is a full featured SMTP and POP3 component which passed 1 000 000 downloads in March this year. In this package, I offer a example to show you how to send email from Navision by using JMail component. Bron : Michael Hu Lees meer...