QR codes (abbreviated from Quick Response code) are appearing in many different places today, and they are found to be quick and efficient when it comes to working with mobile phones and other devices which can read them. QR Code is a multipurpose instrument and it…
While we’re still waiting (well .. not really litterally waiting..) for the Intervat8 objects .. we got a new “Microsoft-Gift” today for quite some countries. Microsoft has been working on a new database with lots of new demodata in it. And this for additional countries (meaning…
Did you ever had to outline information on a report? For example, the user asks you to move this field a little to the left or right, or can that textbox be a little bigger because sometimes it’s just not big enough? Bron : Think about…
Just a few days ago, I have written How to Create No. Series in Dynamics NAV, and today I got one more question about No. Series. How to create an use additional No. Series for the same document type? Bron : Navisionary Lees meer...
Recently, I have been asked what is the use of Application Method field on Customer card, on Payments tab? Without looking at the field, my initial response was Huh? (I have never used this field before). Bron : Navisionary Lees meer...