Tip: Where am I?

Here is a very simple tip. These days, In NAV 2009, you got the RoleTailored Client, the Classic Client, web service and the NAS Server. So, you got more "clients", "environments", … or how you kids call it these days … then you had in 5.0.…

ADCS installeren

De installatie van ADCS (Automated Data Capture System) voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) 5.0 en hoger is redelijk simpel. Wel zijn er een paar dingetjes waar rekening mee moet worden gehouden. Bron : Poelgeest.comeunetorg Lees meer...

History of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

This was a part of Chapter 1 in the first draft of my book Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. It was cut to keep page count down and preserve the environment, but I figure that a few electrons pushed through the optical labyrinths of The Internet…

Navision – Standard Text Code

A small tips about Navision Standard Text Code. As you know, we can actually setup some commonly use text in Navision. Example, I have setup a standard text called TE with description of "Travel Expenses". So in the Description field of any forms like Sales Invoice,…