Standard Functions in NAV: SumUpItemTracking

This week a customer asked me to export tracking/reservation information (from table Reservation Entry) related to warehouse shipping order lines (custom table) to a file. Goal of the solution was to export shipping information to WinRoute, a third-party application for route calculation and distribution management. Bron…

Microsoft PartnerSource NAV Favorites

Partnersource is Microsoft's closed site for their partners to gain access to everything from sales and marketing information, whitepapers, new versions and updates etc. But also their knowledgebase including a lot a listing of registered errors and issues (and sometimes including references to fixes and work…

Encrypting Data in NAV using SQL with ADO

A lot of Dynamics NAV databases carry sensitive information that by law in some countries need to be encrypted. For example credit card number or social security number. There are many solutions available. The following solution utilizes SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 provided encryption…