Why is Maximize missing on RUNMODAL page?

My colleague consultant did pose this question this morning. Or actually he was expressing a disappointment both he and a customer were sharing that apparently any page activated through various line actions do open a page without the Minimize/Maximize buttons on the top right corner of…

Risman project risico management: succesfactoren en valkuilen

Seth Gaaikema zei ooit: “Goed communiceren is zo dicht mogelijk langs elkaar heen praten” In veel projecten lijkt het alsof de intentie en/of competentie om goed te communiceren bij alle betrokkenen ontbreekt. Niet voor niets heeft de Risman-methodiek communicatie over projectrisico’s benoemd als belangrijkste succesfactor voor…

What is SEPA?

We get a couple of questions asked quite regularly: “How can I make my ERP system SEPA compliant” and a more basic one “What is SEPA? And how does this affect my daily work?” With this blog entry I’ll try to answer these questions. Bron :…