Classifying Data in Dynamics NAV

At Microsoft Dynamics NAV, we are committed to data protection, information security, and privacy. Part of this commitment is helping our partners to ensure that the applications they develop are compliant with the latest legislative requirements for collecting, storing, and using user personal information. Bron :…

Get GDPR compliant with Dynamics NAV

On May 25, 2018, a European privacy law is due to take effect that sets a new global bar for privacy rights, security, and compliance. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fundamentally about protecting and enabling the privacy rights of individuals. The GDPR establishes strict…

An In-Depth Look At The Csv.Document M Function

CSV files are one of the most commonly used data sources in Power BI and Power Query/Get&Transform, and yet the documentation for the Csv.Document M function is very limited and in some cases incorrect. In this rather long post I’ll show you as many of the…

Character Escape Sequences In M

When you’re working with M code in Power BI or Power Query/Get&Transform you may want to include special characters such as carriage returns, line feeds or tabs inside a text value. To do this you’ll need to use character escape sequences inside your text. Information on…