1. Make Bullzip PDF Printer the default printer for the Classic report (in this example 50080) without RDLC (printer selections)
2. Add this code in Report – OnInitReport()
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘Output’,’c:\temp\temp.pdf’); //only example, better to use timestamp
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘Showsettings’, ‘never’);
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘ShowPDF’, ‘no’);
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘ShowProgress’, ‘no’);
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘ShowProgressFinished’, ‘no’);
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘SuppressErrors’, ‘yes’);
BullZipPDF.SetValue(‘ConfirmOverwrite’, ‘no’);
3. Run the report from a page in the RTC:
REPORT.RUN(50080,FALSE,FALSE,SalesInvHeader); //in my example one sales invoice header, not possible to print multiple
4. File ‘Temp.pdf’ is created now, if needed you can rename it!