Posted inOff-topic
Use Reflection to find a .NET class with NAV2013
This little function can be used to figure out where a class is located – It will run through all assemblies and all classes available to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. Bron : Lees meer...
Posted inDynamics NAV & BC Tips & tricks
Reading Webservice Response
While we are integrating our NAV with any other Frontend , we should read all the response from the webservice response file for our required information. For simple testing i am just storing the response file in 'C:\TEMP\testing.xml' location Bron : Nraju Lees meer...
Posted inProjectmanagement
Agile, Scrum en de methode doet het nog steeds niet
Het aantal ICT-projecten dat mislukt, is in de afgelopen 30 jaar redelijk constant op 70% blijven liggen. Het is dan natuurlijk een verademing als er ineens een frisse wind gaat waaien . En dat gebeurt, in de vorm van Agile en met name Scrum. Tijd om…
Posted inDynamics NAV & BC Tips & tricks
Drag and Drop File Upload for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
Yesterday evening I spoke at Dutch Dynamics Community event, on invitation by my dear friend Luc van Vugt, and the topic was control add-ins for NAV 2013 R2. Of course, this automatically meant that the audience should see more JavaScript code than C# or C/AL, and…
Posted inERP general
How to Communicate With Change-Resistant Employees
Let’s face it; change is neither easy nor fun. It is work and work takes energy and commitment to succeed. While many leaders couch change impacts from an ERP implementation as “it’s just business,” to the end-user and key stakeholder it is personal. Most ERP initiatives…
Posted inDynamics NAV & BC Tips & tricks
Did You Know…..
As part of our continuing effort to bring useful tidbits of information to those new to NAV, we at InterDyn BMI have created a subset to our Tips & Tricks Category called “Did You Know”. Unlike the Tips & Tricks that tell of handy tips and…