Defining Business Processes to Support Your Overall Business Strategy

A successful ERP implementation requires a focused and dedicated project team that understands the importance of defining “current state” and “future state” business processes. Organizations that define business processes before software selection are less likely to lose sight of the big picture of benefits realization because…

Implementing ERP Software to Improve Customer Service

Again and again, it has been proven that ERP implementations are most successful when ERP software is used to augment an organization’s competitive advantage – and doesn’t stuff it into “best practice” functionality. Bron : Panorama Consulting Solutions Lees meer...

NAV 2013: Implementing the Application Test Toolset

As you probably know, since NAV 2009, there is some kind of framework built in the C/SIDE environment that can deal with application testing. Usually referred to as “Testing Framework” or “Test codeunits” or “Test Toolset” or “probably-some-kind-of-other-description-I-don’t-think-of-at-this-moment-but-deals-with-testing-the-functionality-of-your-(customized)-NAV-solution”. Bron : Waldo's Blog Lees meer...

Het project is de begraafplaats voor verandering

Al enkele decennia lang wordt veel effort gestoken in het verbeteren van het succes van projecten, met behulp van methoden als Prince2, MSP tot aan ISO 21500 toe. Helaas leveren projecten nog steeds vaak niet datgene op wat we ervan verwachten. Misschien is de grootste faalfactor…