Risicomanagement niet tot project beperken

Kent u projecten waarbij vooraf al alles vaststaat? Nee, dan moeten we het eens hebben over risicomanagement. Governance en projectmanagement introduceren risicomanagement in verschillende vormen binnen vele sectoren als een belangrijke tool om de organisatie of projecten ‘in control’ te brengen. Het werkt, maar is geen…

Five Benefits of Mobile ERP Expense Reporting

The manual process of expense reporting is a thing of the past. In its place stands ERP software with mobile functionality that facilitates efficient and accurate expense reporting via smartphones and tablets. Mobile expense reporting is more than a trendy discussion topic among industry experts –…

Connect 4

"Connect Four" or "Four on a row". The more you play, the smarter he gets. The computer will never lose the same way as before, because he learns from previously plaid games. Well, until you clear his history table... Bron : Peter Kuiper Lees meer...

Using ERP Systems to Fuel Operational Scalability

For many, implementing new ERP software is a no-brainer: the old system doesn’t function, people work around it, and/or the organization simply “needs” a new solution. Our clients commonly complain that their legacy processes and software are so outdated that they aren’t able to meet basic…

Finn’s FobView v2.2

FobView can view FOB, FBK, TXT and XML object files from Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision). It lists the objects contained in these files and by loading two files it is possible to compare the objects in these files. Bron : Finn Tolderlund Lees meer...