NAV 2013 | Keys in Symbol Menu

One of the things that I noticed while doing some development in NAV2013 is that keys are now part of the Symbol Menu (F5) in the C/AL editor! This allows you to select all active keys for example when using SETCURRENTKEY. Very handy, since most of…

The Case For – and Against – ERP Customization

When it comes to ERP systems, the word “customization” is one of the most dreaded terms that an executive hears. In fact, I would estimate that at least 90-percent of Panorama’s ERP selection clients indicate a strong preference for zero or no customization. In other words,…

Live gaan met product verdient meer aandacht

Het is onvermijdelijk, maar wel wenselijk: elk project levert een keer haar producten op (er van uitgaande dat het project niet voortijdig is gestopt). Dagen, weken, maanden is er hard gewerkt om allerlei producten op te leveren. En dan is het moment daar: tijd om de…

Writing Unit Tests in C/AL

What is a unit? A unit is any code that encapsulates an implementation. It could be one or a combination of individual functions or triggers. Thus, a unit could also refer to a local function. A unit, from the C/AL perspective, has the following: Bron :…