Beoordeling requirements bij start realisatiefase

In haar Chaos report van 2009 stelde The Standish Group vast dat 44 procent van de IT-projecten wordt stopgezet als gevolg van slechte ‘requirements’. Dit zijn projecten waarin de uitvoeringsfase (in Prince2-termen de PID) gebaseerd blijkt te zijn op een incompleet of onduidelijk pakket van eisen-…

Internal Sabotage: A Critical Risk Factor of ERP Failure

Businesses that implement ERP systems have nothing but good intentions when deciding to reengineer business processes and alter IT infrastructure. Unfortunately, employees sometimes overlook this good intent and focus solely on the consequences: new business processes means they must learn new procedures which means they must…

NAV 2013 | Unicode, OemCode and OemText

I'm currently involved in my first customer/end-user upgrade. It's a system that I implemented myself three years ago with 2009 RTC. Highly (extremely) customized, 50GB and a gazilion interfaces. The first step in an upgrade, besides merging the objects, is opening the database in the NAV2013…