Why Do Projects Fail?

We can probably all think of projects that have "failed" – perhaps processes got worse rather than better, maybe they were cancelled because of cost overruns, or perhaps systems were launched with fundamental errors. Bron : Mindtools Lees meer...

When ERP methodologies go wrong

Webster defines a methodology as a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline: a particular procedure or set of procedures. Methodologies add tremendous value to the implementation team by providing a process to guide the team through the implementation. Methodologies have inherent assumptions,…

Met Het Oude Denken naar Het Nieuwe Werken

Het Nieuwe Werken (HNW) is een hot item in veel organisaties, betogen Dick van der Vijver (Ministerie van Defensie) en Jeroen Simons (i-to-i). Niet alleen de business medewerkers gaan "Nieuw Werken", ook informatiemanagers en applicatiebeheerders ontkomen er niet aan. Dat leidt tot de vraag: Wat is…

Report Selections

Have you ever wondered how NAV knows which report to print when you hit the Print button (or Action, if using RTC) from a document such as a Posted Sales Invoice? Bron : LET'S TALK NAV Lees meer...