Hoe manage ik een projectenfabriek

U bent opdrachtgever van projecten. Per jaar worden er vele projecten uitgevoerd en daar is veel geld mee gemoeid. Door het inzetten van managementinstrument 'Business Case' bent u in staat uw projectenkalender te beheersen en daarin de juiste prioriteiten te stellen en zorgt u ervoor dat…

Weekly exchange rate update

I was asked by a customer if there is an easier way to import exchange rates. This is a time-consuming task to have to do this manually for multiple currencies and multiple NAV companies. So I found an XML feed of the European Central Bank which…

Business Requirements Analysis

Every new activity, every new product, every new project in the workplace is created in response to a business need. Yet we often find ourselves in situations where, despite spending tremendous time and resources, there's a mismatch between what has been designed and what is actually…