A few weeks ago, a customer asked me to create a web service that was able to import data from a web form into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Since they are using NAV 2009 R2, this didn’t sound very challenging. Just one small detail triggered me: the…
I am very excited about Cloud ERP and the potential opportunities for customers, however, I like to speak to the minority opinion for a balanced discussion. Just as ERP was deemed the panacea for all business automation pains, Cloud ERP is positioned as a revolutionary approach…
This morning I had one strange issue while trying to connect my RTC client to data base. Immediately after starting RTC client I got this error: Type: System.AccessViolationException Bron : Filip's Dynamics Blog Lees meer...
Learn about advanced RoleTailoring in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. This video, the last in a series of seven, is especially relevant for partners. Learn how to use RoleTailoring to deliver more value to customers with client extensibility, more integration and tools to build charts, tables and…
We have all heard the proverb “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Applying this concept to business software, we would conclude that a business solution is only as strong as its weakest integration. Usually overlooked and underestimated, integration is one of the…
Het toepassen van Scrum is in 1986 op de Universiteit van Harvard uitgedacht door Hirotaka Takeuchi en Ikujiro Nonaka. Scrum is een term uit het rugby waarbij een team probeert een afstand te overbruggen als een eenheid en ondertussen de bal heen en weer passt. Deze…