Navision Message Type Designer Development

In this article I would like to share the project development in Navision which is one part project integration. This article explains conceptual design and simple real practices that hopefully can be easily understand and give you some idea handling the integration. Bron : Navision Integration…

Import from Excel

When starting a new company the needed data is in most cases accessible for Microsoft Excel. Do we want the user to be able to import data from Excel into Dynamics NAV ? Bron : Gunnar's Blog Lees meer...

Quality Assurance in projecten

In onze visie is projectkwaliteit een ruim begrip en kwaliteitsmanagement vrijwel synoniem met projectmanagement. Als we inzoomen op de verantwoordelijkheden voor kwaliteit, zien we dat het zinvol kan zijn om een kwaliteitsfunctionaris aan te stellen. Bron : ZBC Kennisbank Lees meer...

Navision Message Services on .Net

In this article I would like to share with you about creating .net component that contains Navision message service library. The first plan is to have message structure in C# class for each message type so the message communication can be easily constructed in .net development.…