In het rijtje van uitgestorven dieren komt de stuurgroep helaas nog niet voor. Is dit terecht? Laten bedrijven in elk geval van de stuurgroep geen beschermde diersoort maken, want daarmee zouden zij zichzelf in de problemen kunnen brengen. Stuurgroepen stammen vooral uit de tijd dat de…
Here is a version of the tool for RTC (with pages). In fact, this time I removed the forms. There is nothing special added to the tool compared to last time, except for the pages, so if you do want to still run it in the…
I hope you all attended Thursday’s virtual event “Decisions Spring 2011″? It was once again quite a success, I guess: Over 1000 people paid a visit to the conference! And it was NAV specific, so doesn’t that make this the biggest NAV conference there is? Bron…
In this walkthrough, you will learn how to create a new Role Center for the RoleTailored client. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, a Role Center is a type of page on which you can place different parts. Each part is a container in which you can…