Dynamics 365 BC Wave 2 Release: What Happens Now?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the latest Microsoft’s ERP solution, available on-premise and on Cloud as a SaaS service. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is actually released as platform version 14.X. and this platform permits you to adopt two different programming models for creating customizations:…

Dynamics 365: 2019 release wave 2 plan

Download the 2019 release wave 2 PDF (last updated July 22, 2019) The release plan (formerly release notes) for the 2019 release wave 2 describes all new features releasing from October 2019 through March 2020 for Dynamics 365. You can either browse the release notes online…

Organizing your .al files

This blog post is primarily directed towards partners who wants to do AL code customization in Microsoft Dynamics 365 2019 release wave 2. Even though the tools can be used for extension development as well, typically people working on extensions already have organized their files. Source…