NAV 2013: Implementing the Application Test Toolset

As you probably know, since NAV 2009, there is some kind of framework built in the C/SIDE environment that can deal with application testing. Usually referred to as “Testing Framework” or “Test codeunits” or “Test Toolset” or “probably-some-kind-of-other-description-I-don’t-think-of-at-this-moment-but-deals-with-testing-the-functionality-of-your-(customized)-NAV-solution”. Bron : Waldo's Blog Lees meer...

Writing Unit Tests in C/AL

What is a unit? A unit is any code that encapsulates an implementation. It could be one or a combination of individual functions or triggers. Thus, a unit could also refer to a local function. A unit, from the C/AL perspective, has the following: Bron :…

TDD in NAV – Test #4

Where the previous test (test #3) was the sunshine (or happy path) scenario, our current test takes the rainy side. As such we will test that, when a user types in a doc. amount which does not equal the total amount of the (2) lines, the…

TDD in NAV – Test #3

Getting our first two tests, test #1 and test #2, working (GREEN! ... GREEN! ... GREEN!), we successfully implemented the first part of our feature, i.e. the function CalcDocAmount, leaving us now with it's counterpart: the verification of the manually entered total amount of the document…