Recording Permission Sets for Business Central

The permission set object in Business Central describes permissions on objects. Permissions define which areas of the system a user can access and edit. They define which database objects a user can read, create, modify, or delete. We can define permission sets in Business Central in 3 ways, which we will see one by one.

Source : MADHDA
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Dynamics 365 Business Central: New ExcludedPermissionSets Property in permission set objects

In Business Central 2022 wave 2 (BC21), Microsoft has finally added a new command to generate or update AL permission set. From now on, whether it is PTE or AppSource Extension, permissions should be managed in the permission set object.

Source : Dynamics 365 Lab
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Quote: “I never want to go back to XML permission”

There are two things that developers in AL do not like to do. Reports – I know very few people who like it, and Permissions. Although in my case I should say I do not like only one thing since permissions I just HATE.

In the next two weeks, we plan to release a new extension on AppSource (stay tuned) and we need to do permissions – as always. I sat with one of our developers and we decided “let’s do it in a new way”.

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