“How to” display picture from file in Item Picture Page

Below a short procedure to visualize a linked picture from a picture file (example file with “.GIF” extension) into the “Item Picture Page”.

The System load the image file in a BLOB field and after displays it on the picture page; at the close of the page the image is deleted from the item table in order to lighten the System; same procedure can be used in reports and can also be used in old versions of NAV… in this case NAV 2013

Bron : Roberto Stefanetti NAV Blog
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How to perform a mass import of all your new products Item Pictures using Dynamics NAV 2013 R2

Ever wondered how to perform a mass import of all your new products Item Pictures using Dynamics NAV 2013 R2?It’s really quite once you know how ;). It took me a while but I got their eventually. Firstly you will need a new Report, I called mine “Import Item Pictures” with a dataitem pointing to Table 27 “Item”:

Bron : Capricorn Dynamics
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Implementing interactive picture in NAV

Some time ago I was solving the task to print some interactive picture inside the NAV report. It means that user should draw some picture, import the picture in the document and then print it. The picture should be imported in NAV database to have an opportunity to re-print the document later.

Bron : Dynamix NAV and incadea
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How to find out Picture Image Format in Navision 2009

Recently I have some requirement to extract Navision item picture to web front application and with Navision 2009 I could store not only BMP format but many other format namely, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and etcetera. This is indeed is great improvement in Navision 2009, since BMP format is not the best format due the size of the space.

Bron : Navision Integration & Tips
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