Powershell Random Password Generator

If you want to ensure the security of your accounts, an option is to use randomly generated passwords for each account together with a password manager tool (for example I use lastpass). In this way you will need to remember only one password (for the password…

Service Password – User Access

Today I was working with my fellow MVP Arend Jan Kauffmann to install his Office 365 integration he showed in our session at NAVTechDays at one of my customers. This customer has their own application builder license and to our surprise we got this error message.…

Design Pattern: Passwords and sensitive data

By Bogdana Botez at Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen This pattern is supported starting from Microsoft Dynamics NAV version 2016. Abstract Protect data like passwords, social security numbers, credit card numbers etc by encrypting it and by placing it in a single table with restricted access. Bron…