Let’s start with what exactly the Business Central ENUM is. Those who come from an object-oriented programming background might already know what the enums are. enums are objects that are essentially a read-only list of items. Another change with the Business Central is that lists begin…
To define a variable of type Option, you can’t use the OptionMembers property that’s used on a field of data type Option. You need to list the available options as a comma-separated list after your variable definition. For example:- Color: Option Red,Green,Yellow; Source : KSD Consultancy…
Now we have Enums, but how do we ensure that apps we create with enums are actually extendable? Just because the Enum can be extended does not ensure that the usage of them us truly extendable. Source : Hougaard.com Read more...
During my AL training classes, a frequently asked question is how to convert enum values to and from integer or text. So I thought it would be a good idea to share with you what possibilities you have. First of all, we need to understand the…
With the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 wave 2 release, Microsoft made available a new data type – Enumeration (Enum). Enum is a list that consists of a set of named constants. It can be used as table fields, local and global variables, and parameters.…
Today I was working on our ForNAV AppSource App and I decided to clean up some of the warnings that were introduced with BC16. This was about converting Options to Enums and vice versa. Converting an Enum into an Option is easy. Just add ToInteger() and…