Shows how to add an Action to a Page in the Role Tailored Client. Microsoft Dynamics-NAV Version 6.01 (NAV 2009 SP1). Bron : mheydasch's channel Bekijken...
When you add new Actions to a Page’s Action Pane, you have probably noticed that the default image associated with the Action is a grey circle. You probably already know HOW to associate an image with an Action (in case you didn’t: In Page Design, go…
In NAV 2009 RoleTailored Client, much has been made of the new Actions feature, the Action Pane and the ability to add and promote actions on pages. Most RTC users realize fairly quickly though, that when you have a Document type page (that has Headers and…
The following walkthrough demonstrates debugging an action on a page with Visual Studio. If you customize or create new objects for the RoleTailored client, then consider debugging those objects. Bron : MSDN Lees meer...
Anyone worked with Action Categories yet? This "feature" was enhanced in SP1, but is not a very well known feature, so it seems. So it's worth to write a blog post about it. Bron : Waldo's Blog Lees meer...