My JSON To AL Converter

Since I am very lazy and I didn’t find any AL code generator I decided to develop it on my own. My app gets a JSON file as input and, for each entity present, it automatically generates three files : 1) the AL table ; 2)…

Docker Basics

Like any other software, Docker introduces users to a new range of terminology related to its services. Users need to get familiar with concepts such as Dockerfiles, images, containers, and other Docker-specific words. Once you have mastered the vocabulary, the next step is to get used…

Docker Maintenance

Continuing from where we left in previous post, if not seen you can visit here. During development, your resource utilization can grow unorganized with old, outdated, and unused components. Where you may require maintenance to manage, free resources and reclaim for other uses. Source : KSD…

Options VS Enums

To define a variable of type Option, you can’t use the OptionMembers property that’s used on a field of data type Option. You need to list the available options as a comma-separated list after your variable definition. For example:- Color: Option Red,Green,Yellow; Source : KSD Consultancy…