“Can’t we just add this in?” one of my project team members said to me the other day. “It will take longer to go through the change process than it will to do the work.” He had a fair point. The change management process on our…
The following parts of this blog will walk through an example of seeing the problem and correcting it using an example found in the Cronus USA demo company. In researching the cause, we went to Financial Managhement>General Ledger>Chart of Accounts. We selected the GL account associated…
In this example we will use Melissa Data to validate addresses (http://www.melissadata.com/) but you can modify the example to use any service. For this example, the goal is to use the Melissa data rest based web service to verify a customer address in NAV and get…
There are manufacturing companies using Dynamics NAV that want to offset the start time on production orders to accommodate production time even though they are not using Routings. To illustrate, I set up a test item called BOB PRODUCED. Note that the item has a BOM,…
Since NAV2013, the ExcelBuffer no longer uses automations to create Excel Sheets. Therefore if you have custom implementation, like color formating, or text size, you need to rewrite your solution with the use of openxml. I had to implement this for our product, so i’d like…