Object archiver for NAV 2013

A simple tool for managing objects from the windows client. Main features: - Display objects and able to run them - Archive and handle object versions - Restore versions from saved metadata or fob - Import and export objects by calling finsql Bron : Szabolcs Gyorke…

Copy NAV 2013 R2 company

This tool wil generate a SQL Query to copy a NAV Company between two databases! This tool is also working if the table definitions are different in both databases: New fields or remove fields are supported. Bron : BvB Lees meer...

Defining Business Processes to Support Your Overall Business Strategy

A successful ERP implementation requires a focused and dedicated project team that understands the importance of defining “current state” and “future state” business processes. Organizations that define business processes before software selection are less likely to lose sight of the big picture of benefits realization because…

How is Your ERP Consultant Getting Paid?

Before we established our position as the world’s leading independent ERP consultants, there were literally no options in the market for organizations that wanted agnostic and unbiased help with their ERP software initiatives. When I first came up with the idea for an independent ERP consulting…