ERP: besef dat het ook anders kan!

Natuurlijk stellen we doelstellingen op voor een ERP-traject. Het moet vooral aan iedereen duidelijk zijn waarom het geld en de inspanning worden geleverd om een nieuw systeem in te voeren. Op hoofdlijnen weten we waar we naar toe willen. Maar hoe krijgen we de mensen in…

Fact or Fiction: Hybrid ERP Deployments

With cloud computing and cloud ERP gaining additional attention in the marketplace, ERP vendors, resellers, and solution providers are quickly positioning their products and services as “cloud-enabled”. However, in my humble opinion, to simply put ERP software on a hosted server and provide subscription-based pricing does…

CurrFieldNo reset

This post is merely to inform people to watch out about using CurrFieldNo. I was looking into some issues with the Job Journal Line not calculating if inventory was available when i found the problem was related to the CurrFieldNo… Bron : Magno's Blog Lees meer...

Stakeholder Analysis

"Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project in every organization I have ever worked with. By engaging the right people in the right way in your project, you can make a big difference to its success... and to your career." Bron : Mindtools…